Animal 16

4. What are the advantages for this application to be  web-based versus a standalone application that I only install on my practice computers?

This is a great question. With this web-based application, each practice's database is kept on very secure, enterprise class co-location servers available to all Practice users at any location. For PC users, automatic updates for ADC are delivered to the user when connecting to the co-location servers. ADC updates are done automatically at the servers for non-PC users.

If an internet connection is temporarily lost, this application can still be run by the user by connecting to the internet using a cell phone hotspot.

This approach also eliminates the complications of installation of this application for all users. The same application is very easily installed on all PC computers without having to do complicated and confusing server and workstation set-ups. For non-PC users, it only requires very easy installation and set-up of the Windows Remote Desktop® application . Alternatively, non-PC users can connect to the RDWeb interface to run ADC online.

By keeping each practice's data on very secure, enterprise class co-location servers, this provides an easy to use and secure web portal for clients and referring veterinarians.