1. What are the hardware requirements for the ADC application? ADC is a Windows® PC application that can be installed on any PC computer including a desktop, laptop, or tablet. Ideally, it is a touch-enabled device such as a Surface Pro ® tablet with a stylus and detachable keyboard, but data can also be entered with any input including a regular keyboard, touchpad, and mouse.
Alternatively, ADC can be run on any non-PC such as an Apple® or Android® computer or device using Remote Desktop Licenses.
The computer or device must have a minimum of 12 GB of hard drive space free, and have a video resolution of 1024 X 768, or greater.
For tablet devices, we highly recommend purchasing protective cases from Urban Armor Gear® that help keep your devices safe from damage if accidentally dropped. The cases for many different devices are available at urbanarmorgear.com.